There are many resources that are readily available to support you on your journey to improve access and understand the needs of individuals with disabilities. Click on the photo to access the resource, and let us know if you have something else to add!
Accessibility Directorate
The Government of Nova Scotia's Accessibility Directorate is responsible for administering the Accessibility Act and advancing disability issues within government. They work collaboratively with persons with disabilities, municipalities, businesses, post-secondary institutions and others to achieve the goal of an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030.
Accessibility Services Canada
Accessibility Services Canada is an industry leader in accessibility training for individuals and teams of public and private organizations. Linked is their resource page which includes legislation, design best practices, contrast and color checkers, events, meetings and festivals, technical guides, social media accessibility, reports and surveys, built environment, accessibility awareness, employment and more.
Tourism Nova Scotia
Tourism Nova Scotia is collaborating with the Tourism Industry of Nova Scotia (TIANS) on an initiative to support the tourism industry to identify, prevent, and eliminate accessibility barriers so that travelers of all abilities can experience everything Nova Scotia's tourism industry has to offer.